
In flower bed of the garden of the early spring, small flowers begin blooming, and the flower beds become gorgeous on every day gradually.  
I have these pleasures every single day in spring.
In both the cold day and a day during St. Luke's summer , flowers or something always shines everyday and nights.  
Flowers which I love be in full glory forever, and may flowers bloom forever from now to future.
erythronium, violet, cymbidium and iris, dandelion lily of the valley ,narcissus and azalea ,
calanthe blooms with hepatica gracefully and happily
Oh how happy flowers are in all together.
Flowers be in full glory more and more everyday.  When hot summer is over, it will be cool autumn.

In midst autumn Small flowers bloom in the flower bed of the height garden gracefully everyday and nights ;
they seem to be more and more cool on everyday; It is pleasure for me to see this every day.
On both days when the lingering summer heat returns and a day to get so cold, they always bloom calmly.
The flowers which I love be in full glory forever, and may flowers bloom forever from now to future.
Salvia and bellflower, gentian , wild chrysanthemum, cosmos and atractylodes , blue spirea , Japanese pampas grass,
elephant's-ear and bright red maple gracefully and happily .
Oh it's fun to see flowers are in all together.
Flowers be in full glory more and more everyday.  When cold winter is over, it will be warm spring days.


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Song of flowers


投稿日:2010/08/30 08:22:03



