Yomogi Arute 【Contact】 Twitter: https://twitter.com/YomogiArute GitHub: https://github.com/YomogiArute 【Intersts/Hobbies】 Ilustration Movie Music(JP Pops, Classic, Polyphony) Live2D 3D 【WORK EXPERIENCE】 23,1 - 23,3 Programmer: Paint Soft Development 22,10 - 23,11 Systems Engineer, Programmer: AI(Image Sound Generation, Data Poisoning Attacks, Search System) 19,5 - 22,10 Cram School Teacher: Maths(Primary - High School) World History(Primary - High School) Japanese(Modern Japanese Literature, Primary - High School) 12,4 - 23,11 Translator(German, Russian) 【EDUCATION】 24,4 - Present Kyoto University of the Arts, Fine Arts 19,4 - 22,10 Tsurumi University, Japanese Literature, Librarian Training 【LANGUAGE: ILR】 Japanese - 5 German - 3 Russian - 3 Bokmål - 2 Dutch - 2 Finnish - 2 French - 2 Icelandic - 2 Italian - 2 Polish - 2 Spanish - 2