カニきぐるみ 作曲・作詞:うさぎラビット ボーカル: CUL アイドル活動は半年ぐらいになる やっとライブ決めた! 大きいなイベントだぜ! 地元で大人気の水族館のフェス この衣装はなんだよ! カニのきぐるみ?! (まじかよ!?) ほかの衣装はないか?...
Crab Costume Music&Lyrics: Usagi_Rabbit Vocals: CUL I’ve only been doing idol activities for half a year Finally, got a gig! I’m new but I’ll do my best! A popular local festival at the aquarium What’s up with this costume? It’s a crab suit! (seriously?!) Don’t you have something else? Give me a break! (crab! crab!) The reason I became an idol was to wear cute outfits Can I switch costumes with my partner? If I have to wear an animal suit, I’d rather wear a dolphin than a crab. But I’m an idol! I gotta do my best (crab! crab!) Can I dance though? Can I move? (crab! crab!) This crab shell is mega hard Perhaps it’s to make it bulletproof? I tried the costume It’s unexpectedly easy to wear This might work. I think I might like it! Cute Crab Costume! Fun Costume (crab! crab!) I was able to dance properly! An excellent show! (crab! crab!) Kani! Kani! Kani! Kani! Crab! Kani! Kani! KaniKaniKaniKaniKaniKaniKaniKaniKaniKani I love it!