
  • erioriri



    Sorry for the late reply. 喫襾さん said that it is OK. (^_^)v Let's support each other in NND.

    2012/08/03 12:44:22

    • 猿楽 雅

      猿楽 雅

      Mr. 喫襾さん consent eased me.
      Work of a movie requires time and effort, so please do work at the pace of you.
      Well,I beg your kindness.

      2012/08/03 17:11:04

  • 猿楽 雅

    猿楽 雅


    sorry, I forgot to mention.
    A lyric writer of this music is not me.
    A lyric writer is 喫襾さん.
    Sorry to bother you,please obtain permission from him.

    2012/07/24 19:09:59

  • erioriri



    竜宮ツカサ said it's OK to use ロロ for own PVs.

    (Twitter message by uramanbouP: VY2=66 ではなく マンボウが使うVY2=66 くらいの認識をしてもらえると助かります。もちろん二次創作も大歓迎なので66君を自由に使ってあげてください)

    Still, your choice to use, maybe. ^^

    2012/07/24 09:34:57

    • 猿楽 雅

      猿楽 雅

      It did not know.
      Because it is Mr. erioriri that draws a picture, please do in erioririさん favorite way.

      2012/07/24 18:58:33

  • erioriri



    still, i can not do a PV. do you like ロロ? wwww

    2012/07/24 08:10:28

    • 猿楽 雅

      猿楽 雅

      Thank you for the foppish illustration!
      Since ロロ is a character of the elder マンボウの姉(竜宮ツカサ), a little using except the work of 家の裏でマンボウが死んでるP may have a problem.
      Rollo is one figure without a character image of VY2, and is not a formal character.
      I personally think,He is loved!

      2012/07/24 08:46:06

  • erioriri



    I made some drawings, but i do not know how to make a movie...orz http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=26608236

    2012/04/16 21:29:52

    • 猿楽 雅

      猿楽 雅

      a PIAPRO has a person good at making an movie.
      When requesting, there may be those who do.
      If words is only inputted,I can do it.

      2012/04/17 07:55:48

  • erioriri



    (sorry, i can't speak in Japanese) Is someone making a PV for this?

    2012/04/09 18:06:31

    • 猿楽 雅

      猿楽 雅

      (This text used the translation tool and has translated Japanese into English. )
      It is not making.

      2012/04/09 18:42:25