A1 貴方が望むというなら 伸ばした髪も惜しまず切れるわ 世界が欲しいというなら どんな汚れた事でもできる B1 むせかえるほど 香りが強い百合は 今もただひとりを見つめてる 碧い眼に宿る炎は揺らぎ 蜃気楼を創りだす...
Le mariage de sang noir-黒き血の婚姻-
隅師医 唖漣piaproptBh4V
Progress Ver. The lyrics of chorus parts are from the Bible[mainly Agnus Dei] 詞中のコーラスパートは楽師のypselon氏の提案により 聖書:Agnus Deiのラテン語文から部分引用しております。 原文は以下 [Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.] ※ピアプロ外部へ公開する場合はライセンス条件をご参照ください。 notice! If you up loaded a movie with this lyric,it is better to show "lyric by 't " as the credit title. Because" 't "is my true handle name on a web.
2011/10/30 10:12:05
You're welcome! If you finish to make the number,please tell me. I want to make sure that there are no mistakes. I'm looking forward to listening your number!
2011/10/30 11:02:11
...Well, I am waiting for your decision and the Hiragana version... If you finish it, please contact me again!
2011/10/14 17:59:10
Thank you for your waiting. I uploaded final and Hragana Ver.http://piapro.jp/content/?id=tqtlk1deoy5g3k2p&cdate=2011-10-24%2021%3A23%3A12
2011/10/24 21:27:36
2011/10/14 17:59:08
What's the difference between these two versions? Would you like to upload a Hiragana version?
2011/10/13 21:42:22
Thank you for your interest in these lyrics,but these are not"曲募集"now. >What's the difference between these two versions? I'm elaborating now these two so I don't recruit trackmakers. >Would you like to upload a Hiragana version? If you could wait until I have satisfied to write this lyric,I'll do.
2011/10/14 11:33:45
2011/10/30 10:12:05
隅師医 唖漣piaproptBh4V
You're welcome!
If you finish to make the number,please tell me.
I want to make sure that there are no mistakes.
I'm looking forward to listening your number!
2011/10/30 11:02:11
...Well, I am waiting for your decision and the Hiragana version...
If you finish it, please contact me again!
2011/10/14 17:59:10
隅師医 唖漣piaproptBh4V
Thank you for your waiting.
I uploaded final and Hragana Ver.
2011/10/24 21:27:36
...Well, I am waiting for your decision and the Hiragana version...
If you finish it, please contact me again!
2011/10/14 17:59:08
What's the difference between these two versions?
Would you like to upload a Hiragana version?
2011/10/13 21:42:22
隅師医 唖漣piaproptBh4V
Thank you for your interest in these lyrics,but these are not"曲募集"now.
>What's the difference between these two versions?
I'm elaborating now these two so I don't recruit trackmakers.
>Would you like to upload a Hiragana version?
If you could wait until I have satisfied to write this lyric,I'll do.
2011/10/14 11:33:45