言葉の相違-Discrepancy of Word-[真実と虚偽の<Urteil>に惑わされる世界]
言葉の相違-Discrepancy of Word-
解決の糸口-Clue of Solution-
伝統の一戦-Time of Baseball-
幽遠の塋域-Spirit of Encounter-
交響の譜表-Tone of Symphony-
悪人の末路-Fate of Villain-
雨中の覚悟-Preparedness of Rainfall-
闇夜の路地-Alley of Moonless-
八八の星座-Bridge of Flash-
白紙の解答-Examination of Center-
白銀の飛散-Scattering of Snow-
星空の来訪-Glitter of Constellation-
侵食の身体-Disintegration of Ego-
仮想の世界-Peripheral of Alpha-(GUMIver.)
奇跡の軌跡-Track of Birth-
空虚の両手-Arm of Emptiness-
紅色の容姿-Figure of Crimson-
未知の景色-Flight of Fright-
空色の霊園-Warmth of Hand-
空色の流転-Change of Firmament-
万物の根源-Element of Substance-
未踏の迷宮-Labyrinth of Infinity-
羈絆の収去-Bonds of Permanence-
夜来の中空-Sky of Darkness-
孤独の獄舎-Prison of Loneliness-
悠久の楽園-Utopia of Immortality-(GUMIver.)
決戦の前夜-Preparation of Warfare-
滅亡の言語-Language of Vanishment-
優劣の狭間-Differential of Endlessness-