色とりどりの音が 新しきを齎す
無限よりも無限の 選ばれし符号
違いを生む響きを 体中が求める
求む者に開かれる 新しき理想
Feel, If someone says there is nothing,
you should only see what in your world
"All a digital is is a data"
Don't have to believe it, just listen to your heart
霞む道の向こうに 生きる意味を見出す
心躍る刺激に 満たされる鼓動
Feel, anxiety will have been closed
Confined mind is outside the gate
Feel, what is it in your mind?
Fulfilled future is inside the gate
00:00 / 03:41
Future gate ft. 初音ミク (オフボーカル音源、コーラス有)
Future gate ft. 初音ミク (オフボーカル音源、コーラス有)です!