Unprecedented rainfall
Uncountable Applause
That will happen on this stage in a few days

Proof of existence?
Artistic exploration?
The result of being driven by something more fundamental

A drop of the same thought
Or sprung from the same place
Transferring them through a funnel with a hole in it

Start going crazy with miscellaneous trips
And it's all contained by the groovy music

Salmon that could not return
Be carried away by the ocean current

Close your own eyes and the black swirls around you
If open own eyes, the color will drain out

(scoff now?
laugh off?)

Sardines away from the herd
He believes nothing will change

If they stay in this room, they won't flow out
Decorate this room
They're love it

(Woo hoo
Yoo hoo)

Reverted this one to shape    
One two

Victim to said
Well well

That being said
Rave against

Be comforted?
Right Left


Is there oil floating in water?
Or water floating in oil?

Somewhere along the line, we became a sticky moisture
I chose to live and die in this pond

Bathe in music like frogs seek rain
They only let you put up an overturned umbrella

(The best venue to be, loud, perfumed, and full of lust
I should at least put on a record that makes me feel good)

Hadal snailfish lurking in the deep
What will you eat next?

As if the useless sound is discarded and neglected.
My obsession has long since been seen through

(How drops?

Predatory tunicate standing in the deep
Come here quickly.

Born of Desire LDRDPD
Its Variant Lake

Brink of)





To recorded bit and to save
Act out

Give my two day
One's own

Distorted by
Rave in fever

Because to

I don't trust live instruments
Rain give me the sound I want
I don't even believe your voice
So don't worry about anything, just sing

"I can't live on my own."and
"I'm here because of all of you."
Great! that's so cheesy and turn-off
Fish can't be killed by loneliness

Hadal snailfish surfaced
Where to go next and what to do?

I know you'll have my back
Can you all be there?
Putting dissonance on a well-ordered chord

(Turn off?
Keep on?)

Salmon that chose not to return.
It have the time of one’s life
For this reason
Born of Regret FBRSDC
It's Valiant Rave

(Woo hoo





Reverted this one to shape    
One Two

Victim to said
Once more

That being said
Rave become 

Be comforted?
might? slight?

Ringing this rave
Dank flow

Victim to save
Fall out

That being said
Dust beat

I believe in You
Leak Lake Home


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投稿日:2022/10/14 18:10:49


