A cloudless day blessed with blue skies
Beyond our reach, the smoke rises
With my famous last words
let my body become one with the Earth

Through my journey of self-discovery, O merciful God
Listen to my final wish and fulfill my selfish dream

A cloudless day blessed with blue skies
My ashes will dance against the winds and sea
If can be reborn someday, if that is your will
I'd like to become an angel

I want to become a gentle angel, more than anything
To be a pillar of support, standing against the gales
I want to be loved and admired

*Chorus pt.2
But I've always known, O Heavenly Father
That no matter how much I wish, my selfish dream can't come true

ENG cover lyrics 「英語のカバー歌詞」 - Kurenai_Akari「紅_明り」
Original lyrics & music 「オリジナルは歌詞と音楽」- 涼風涼雨 「Suzukaze Ryo」


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わがままな夢 (ENG cover lyrics 英語のカバー歌詞)

ENG: Ah, Suzukaze Ryo is, hands down, one of my favorite VOCALOID producers & my favorite (probably the only decent) MEIKO user. Suzukaze-sensei (yes, sensei as in "teacher") is one of the first of several people to have shown me the potential of VOCALOID music & songwriting. As such, my songwriting/cover songs folder on my computer are mostly MEIKO songs that he has created or produced.

For "Wagamamana Yume" a.k.a. "A Selfish Dream", the imagery of the first two lines set the stage for a theme that I was already imaging long before I even started this cover. A very somber setting for someone who lived his or her (in this case, it's MEIKO) life in misery & when she's on her deathbed, she wishes to be reborn as someone much stronger, someone beloved by all. But she knows that not matter how much she wishes for it, it can't come true.

I hope that you enjoy my cover of "Wagamamana Yume" & I'll talk again soon. Thank you

- Kurenai_Akari 「紅_明り」


投稿日:2016/04/17 07:39:28



