
Wrapped inside a cloth of fugacious dreams
Blinded by daybreak's radiance and warmth from my closed window

In my heart of hearts, I prayed for you to never be forgotten
I let my wish fall in the lantern that was slowly dying out
Everyone has moved on, except for me

I remain soul bound to this fate, to these circumstances, I loathe
When the time of adversity draws to its finale,
will beauty remain?
To be abandoned again. . .
Left to wither away with the gerberas
Oblivion awaits

Your delusions are a form of deception
and my rhapsody is merely another page of fiction
In my heart of hearts, I prayed, asking to never be left behind
I do this once more tonight, defiantly holding back tears
as I chase after you
an 「 illusion 」

Your hands have lost it's warmth as you sleep alone

Time passes and each memory will fade
as the Moirai shall dictate
Spider lilies sway while my screams and pleads
ring past Heaven and Hell for naught
The days are empty without you here,
but until the moment my life burns out

“I promise to never forget your face
And I refuse to forget your name.”

00:00 / 04:13


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • 作者の氏名を表示して下さい

Reply To Gerbera (ENG cover)

Original song/production by: Okame-P (Calvi Taro) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chiCY...)
Cover lyrics & cover production by: Scarlett_Candela (Kurenai_Akari)
VSQx created by: Kowareta-P (https://www.youtube.com/c/kowareta)
Vocaloid: Hatsune Miku V4X ENG

“I promise to never forget your face.
And I refuse to forget your name.”
Twitter: @Kurenai_Akari
Piapro: https://piapro.jp/Kurenai_Akari
Carrd: https://scarlett-candela.carrd.co/


投稿日:2021/08/10 09:05:04



