Question number twenty-one thousand,
Three hundred and sixty-five.
Now solve this, equation, and with respect to X

If only the world was a simultaneous equation and
if you and I were denoted X and Y
Then maybe then perhaps by chance
Someday, I’d equal you

Or maybe you could be an exponential line,
Extending to the heavens of infinity,
Then I wouldn’t care less,
as long as we intercept once

Only if, only if, if we had at least one common factor,
maybe, maybe one day we’ll sum to one.
And if I, and if I, was a little bit more positive than I am,
Then you might, then you might, get a whole lot more, real with me.

No, I can’t just give up and say
that “we’re parallel lines so that’s how we’ll stay”.
Not moving any closer, but never getting further,
No I can’t, bear to, be forever this way.

If I find both the cases where
Our quadratic equation results in nought
Then can we, be linked by, X equals zero?
How do you, fancy that,
My maths class sweetheart?

The total momentum before we collide,
Will always be matched by the value of after we
coalesce, with such force
so that we forget, who we once were.

Let’s run from this world made up of algorithms
Rewrite our existence like with logarithms
Just call me irrational,
But it’s the only way to be free

Only if, only if, if like a matrix I could decode your heart,
This test of, one-sided, love would be easy to beat
And if I, and if I, was a little bit more negative than I am,
Then taking, this torture, becomes straightforward, you see.

So why do you look down and say
“it’s a miracle were still together today”?
We’re so close; it’s suffocating, no distance, between us.
On one point lies your heart and mine.

Let’s find both of the cases where
Our quadratic equation results in nought.
Eternally be linked by, X equals zero.
You know you want to,
Hey, my maths class sweetheart.


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい

Hey, my maths class Sweetheart

前半(A,B,S)は片思い段階、後半(A2, B2, S2)はそうでもなくなってからです。


投稿日:2013/06/16 16:27:50



