

Snow Miku 2017 - Starry Sky by warnawani

What came to my mind when I know the starry sky theme is the verse from al-Quran as I stated in the picture:

"And indeed, We have set up in the heavens great constellation, and endowed them with beauty for all to behold." (Quran, al-Hijr: verse 16)

How grateful are we to be able to see the sky and stars, and every single thing that we have now. It can makes us wonder how magnificent is He to create all these creations for us.

Why He created these things for us?

Of course He want us to realise how great is He to be able to create and control everything is this world. Therefore, we as a human being are actually dependency on Him and really in need of His guidance for our life.

And how Allah relates the stars with guidance:

"And it is He who placed for you the stars that you may be guided by them through the darknesses of the land and sea. We have detailed the signs for people who know." (Quran, al-An'am: verse 97)

May Allah keep guiding us until the end of our life.


投稿日:2016/05/06 09:13:00



