

  • 非営利目的に限ります


She is the master of the Phoenix, in her hand she hold a key of a gate, she aspires to go and open that gate, with her Phoenix and that key she splitting the streets and exploring the world to discover a “Gate of the Victory”.

That is a sort story of my concept design, this is about race right >_<
My concept is refer to Red color, I think that is a good color to mixing with her, and Red is the color that symbolizes a spirit, hero and main character in several stories.

ok but I’m not using a red color only, there are white, black, gold and orange, and the hood inspired of the Phoenix wings.

The key, designed like a fire, out of that key is the most important things for a car, than if you want to drive a car you have to bring key, thats why Miku bring that >_<


投稿日:2015/06/30 03:46:53



