Tell me the name of song which you always croon
like the last drop of life
You are a lucky man
Why don't you believe me?
You can eat everything whatever you want
You can go everywhere if you decide to do
You can sing every song if you open your mouth
Can you remember the day when you suffered from dying?
Yes, I know I ask you a mean question
I'll tell you the truth
You have much money, and you can do almost you want
So I think you are a lucky man in this poorly world
Of cource I know it's just a conditon which we live,
because we aren't just an animal
But if you want to fight against fate…
There isn't a heavenly place, you've already known this is true
However fate doesn't need you, the fact never hurt you
You can cry for yourself, for the contradiciton,
for inequality relationship with this world
Even if there is only a cheap flower in the wasteland,
you have the right whether you'll like it
and you'll be satisfied it
Also you have the right whether you'll pick it now
and you'll grand it under your heel
So you are a lucky man to be God, to behave like God, aren't you?
You have to live this world,
cause you can't choose body and soul
You have to understand the truth of fate…
There isn't a dirty place and the time is always correct,
so you should obey the rule that continue this world
However you can't feel your happiness that I told you,
close your eyes and sing your best song all the time
*4:16付近以降はS1, S2の繰り返し
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