可愛くなりたい ~English Lyrics~

Every girl wants to look cute in front of who they love
we act like we know nothing but were all aware of it.
Not very use to makeup, a little nervous too
but I’m growing up today your gonna notice me!

Who is she in love with? and who’s going out with whom?
Don’t forget the trendy styles but, don’t forget the test tomorrow
Very busy all the time but I can’t complain
There is nothing more complicated than a girl’s everyday.

I can be pretty lazy sometimes, and I have a tendency to go with the crowd
I have secrets too you know and I also fight like others do
A worrisome teenage girl needs to find her favorite prince
Even a simple "Good morning" is a tough game...
Please smile back at me!

My love for you never seems to be stopping I just keep on lying
The sweet scent of my lipgloss, even my newly learned makeup...
Day and night I just keep on dreaming only about you. I imagine you in my mind all day everyday 24 hours
I'm not going to loose you to the time we're apart, I’m gonna be that special girl so come and find me love

That grown-up shampoo seems to be working well, I have some confidence in my latest selfie too.
It's always noisy around me but I can’t complain
There is nothing more exiting than a girl’s everyday.

People talking behind my back, It might bother me a little sometimes.
Being a girly girl? Well I want him to look at me as an attractive girl
A worrisome teenage girl gains more strength as she falls in love
I just want you to look back and notice me too
let me be by your side! please?

I want to talk to you but I can’t so I keep running away
Even that cute new blush I got only makes me look more embarrassed.
Forever and ever only you like ahh! wish I could tell you! But like I could ever tell him I haven’t even said hello yet
I'm such a coward he is right next to me,
some day I’ll give you my best smile yet.

"No I don’t have feelings for him!" I lied again.
I bet he could hear me
No don’t listen to me my heart starts hurting

My love for you never seems to be stopping I just keep on lying
The sweet scent of my lipgloss, even my newly learned makeup...
Day and night I just keep on dreaming only about you. I imagine you in my mind all day everyday 24 hours
I'm not going to loose you to the time we're apart, I’m gonna be that special girl so come and find me love。・♡


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可愛くなりたい ~English Lyrics~




投稿日:2017/04/27 02:33:07


