Lakers hope the Heat lose the East never want to chase the tiebreak partner James Howard on June 3, according to the "Los Angeles Times" reported that the Lakers hope the Heat lost the Eastern Conference finals or finals, Russell Wilson Jersey so they have hope in the next year summer chasing James, James + Howard final completion of the formation of the ultimate duo target. Lakers swept the Spurs in the playoffs first round encounter, early went "fishing" has nothing to do with the playoffs. However, determined to chase James in 2014, the Lakers now have their own distinct position, that is looking forward to the Heat lose. Both the Eastern Conference finals or finals, they all want to be able to prevent the Heat defending opponents. As for the reason is very simple. If Miami can win this year, then this will be the Heat since James joined the third consecutive year the NBA finals, and is the second time the summit. In this case, James will obviously choose to stay in Miami and his own career honor room filled to the brim. But if the Heat lose, Matthew Stafford Jersey then the problem is coming. As we all know, in the Eastern Conference finals, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh played pretty bad. In the case of not defending James will question the strength of this team, and to re-consider whether Colin Kaepernick Jersey there is a need to continue to stay here. Therefore, in the next three seasons, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh, the average annual salary in excess of $ 20 million. Once James think of killing themselves, then the Lakers opportunities coming. Lakers are very good in control of their own cap space, until the summer of next year, they have only Nash a guaranteed contract, worth $ 9.7 million. By then, the Lakers can also choose to Nash cut, cap space will be further enlarged. Enough cap space and huge market temptations, which is attracting James joined the Lakers chips. Perhaps emotionally, Lakers fans will support Bryant hundred percent, which is Rob Gronkowski Jersey not like James. But as a team, the Lakers have to consider their own future. Not to mention Bryant's injury comeback after Achilles tendon rupture can keep what state, he himself has said, his career has been depleted. At this time, the Lakers need a new leader, James is undoubtedly the best choice. Of course, this summer, the Lakers have a goal, that is leaving Howard. In fact, the Lakers renew Howard, still have enough cap space to sign James to ensure the summer of next year, it is also possible to obtain a high level of players, and then use a special case attracted a powerful player, and then some of the salary contract temptation the strength of the veteran. In other words, the ultimate goal is to build the Lakers James and Howard's super combo, and then on this basis, sufficient to establish a super championship teams. And if Kobe Bryant will also consider continuing to play, then he should choose to take a pay cut to stay team. Bryant and James + Howard + combination alone is exciting think about it. However, the media also pointed out that about James joining the Lakers, there are still too many uncertainties. But after the Lakers certainly Roddy White Jersey in the next year to free up enough cap space, even if James does not come, they will have a long-term goal, the Lakers return to top of the league as soon as possible.


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投稿日:2013/08/27 17:15:17



