Laughing star


語り:RinSweet or KAITO?
不機嫌クマ:RinWarm or LenAct2 ?

Grumpy bear:LOLA
Happy bear:Sonika

(MIRIAM)Laughing star

(MIRIAM)It was beautiful stellar night.
(MIRIAM)Two Teddy bears were talking

(Sonika)"A star is interesting, isn't it?"

(MIRIAM)One bear said

(LOLA)“How come?”

(MIRIAM)The other of bears answered very tiresomely.
(MIRIAM)This bear is such a look all the time these days
(MIRIAM)Whatever he might see, it was boring. And the feeling was always depressed.
(MIRIAM)Since, He regarded the bear of other which makes it pleasant anytime as slightly enviable.

(MIRIAM)Why will he always seem to be fun?

(MIRIAM)Why will the girl talk with this bear only?

(Sonika)"Where is the constellation to the cup?"

(MIRIAM)Always happy bear said.

(LOLA)"Cup? Is there any constellation of such a name?"

(Sonika)“Yes, the girl had said daytime.”

(MIRIAM)The girl as the master of two bears is already in a dream now.
(MIRIAM)They are talking in whispers.


(MIRIAM)Whatever he may always hear, no attention will be paid.
Unlike usually that day, become it was really beautiful star,
Suddenly, he looked up at the sky together.

(LOLA)“well, it is where?”

(RinSweet) 不機嫌クマは考えます。空にコップの形の星があるんでしょうか?
(MIRIAM)Grumpy bear is considered. Are the stars of the form of glass in the sky.

(Sonika)“uh… and, I heard constellation is also called hair.”

(LOLA)“Oh, Hair? What hair? The string attached to a human head, that hair?”

(MIRIAM)The always grumpy bear considered to hear it, Hair is flating in the sky?That figure is a little funny, he just started smiling softly.

(MIRIAM)This child always says just strange things.
(MIRIAM)The always grumpy bear still considered a little more.
(MIRIAM)But it may be fun…

(MIRIAM)It is always happy this child, maybe because he is good at finding fun stuff like this.

"You always say that the peculiar"
“The girl told me all.”
“Really? I envy you.”
“Oh well, she tried to tell you same thing, however, you always are such grumpy feeling, she was disappointed.”

(MIRIAM)Grumpy bear was so surprised to hear it.
(MIRIAM)Indeed, in the daytime chat girl, love story of the star, had me a good story of the constellations. However, it was no longer told me unaware.
(MIRIAM)Speaking of which, I’m maybe it was also displeased at that time. I did not at all interesting things from the star in the daytime because I can’t see.

(LOLA)“I saw, I made a bad thing in a girl”
(MIRIAM)Grumpy bear thought, I’ll listen to the story, Even if I don’t see the laughing star.

(MIRIAM)Happy bear talked about such a strange star’s story also from then.

(MIRIAM)It was beautiful star night.

(MIRIAM)Unawares, two bears giggled suited.


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投稿日:2012/08/18 16:46:06



