
The most beautiful flower in the world...
But it looks to me like
this might have been an impossible task.
In the end, I just have a dandelion.
Who would want that junk?
Something bought from a store...
A box of chocolates, a card...
Anything would have been better.
I can't think!
One can't expect perfection, but
the perfect gift comes from the heart, and of course
nothing will ever be good enough.
Don't say
"Thank you".
I don't deserve it.
The best I can come up with is --
for all you mean to me,
what can I say? --
a dandelion.

A dandelion.
What can I say?
For all you mean to me,
the best I can come up with is,
"I don't deserve it."
"Thank you!"
Don't say
"Nothing will ever be good enough."
The perfect gift comes from the heart, and of course
one can't expect perfection, but
I can't think
anything would have been better.
A box of chocolates, a card,
something bought from a store...
Who would want that junk?
In the end, I just have a dandelion.
This might have been an impossible task,
but it looks to me like
the most beautiful flower in the world.

00:00 / 04:20


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鏡⇔歌詞 :3


I wanted to get this done, like, last September, but... oh well. Hope you had a good Pi Day I guess!

Illustrations for PV by https://piapro.jp/Oglagold

PV – 動画: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm34779821
Off-vocal – カラオケ・インスト: See downloads – ダウンロードを見ているください
Score – 楽譜: (eventually maybe)

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投稿日:2019/03/15 12:50:00



