Mystic Eyes
80年代のエレクトロポップを意識した曲です。YMOとNew Orderに強く傾倒していた時期に作りました。
This is my first Vocaloid song, which has the style of electro pop in 80s. The idea of this song came up to my mind under the strong influence of YMO and New Order.
Since I used Hatsune Miku V2, her vocal in this song is in "Engrish." It shocked me that this song strongly disappointed the listeners abroad. I understand it is not comfortable to hear broken English, in terms of pronunciation, grammar, and wording. I tried to create ongaku (音楽), music in Japanese, which literally means "to enjoy the sound" because making people happy with my songs was (and still is) my dream which I had longed to achieve. It, however, seems to take a long time to happen. From this experience, I learned that there was a distance between the people who wanted to hear Vocaloid songs in English and me. Still, I believe that we are not very far apart.