
Bathed within a soft, rose colored light
Tucked in a cloth of fugacious dreams
Now, you lay at rest upon a bed of flowers

Clad in black, I watched you from afar
That smile will never waver again,
and the remorse I carry with me never ends

Agony, stuck with this grief
It's all the same to me
In bitterness, I'm distressed again as
the amass of emotions have now
blossomed all around this grave of gerberas

I don't want to remember that day
I can no longer take back those words
The memory of you laying motionless still. . . .
fills my heart with fear

Having hope, lost in despair
Until the very end, I shall atone
Starting now, please let me send to you
a deluge of love and solace
that I placed next to your gerberas

00:00 / 04:00


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Gerbera (feat. MEIKOV3 ENG)

ENG: Finally got off my ass & finished a Vocaloid cover. Oh, looky here, IT'S DEPRESSING AF. Shout out to the great King of Vocaloid rock & metal, Yuyoyuppe, for creating this song & keep me interested in the scene.


投稿日:2020/02/14 12:48:16



