Every night I step on the way
illuminated by the moon
I remember all the moments
When you and I danced under the snow
I won´t forget, I want to see
I’d like to keep all the laughs that we shared
This is how I feel now
Now the falling snow makes my time to stop
The snow stops in the air
alike to hope, to see you again
Why in my memories? you’ll stay in them forever
dancing with me, under the snow
and praying to God
that this song never reaches the ending
I froze, and when I feel like that
I want you here
hug me, again
because I don't want you to leave me again
The footsteps that were left by our dance
Were all erased by the snow
But that does not mean that I have
Forgot the steps that we performed
We spin along, we felt the chill
You kept me warm, and then you kissed my cheek
Why did you left my soul, spinning alone in this frozen park?
[Spanish / Español]
Solo una vez más quiero bailar,
Solo una vez más quiero observar
como los copos de nieve, caen alrededor
de los dos
la luz de la luna, nos ilumina
polvo de estrella que cae, en una dirección
formando un circulo a nuestro alrededor
sé que esta es la última pieza
esta será nuestra última canción
solo quiero que sepas que
lo siento, no puedo bailar sin ti
[Final Chorus]
My snow flake tears, the drop and fall so slowly
Let's hold our hands, and remember the steps of our dance
When we fell, we laughed and stood up again
My heart, it’s starting to ice up
You kept it warm
Hug me again
You’re the only one who knew how to do that
Our souls, they were one with the snow
And now they’re not
I am alone
But I still pray for you to come again
00:00 / 04:24
【初音ミク】 Snow Memories【オリジナル】
Image / 画像:
Composer / 作曲家:
AJ/Music (HALLO)
Lyricist / 作詞家:
Riten (Juxta)
Mixer / ミキサー:
KeitaG (Lifeless Sign)
初音ミク English V4x
初音ミク XSY Soft/Dark V4x