a girl hid the blue in the sky

getting half rotten feel,
calling a story she made

Butterfly drunk on nectar

still dreaming a dreams of Null
cause it's near
back and forth

You'll find the blue on the street

out-of-date Musiek touch it
good notes you made

How do Null work ? sweetie sows

still sowing the seeds of Null
cause it's near
back and forth

Sing a mystic song for ya geek girl
Goats have noble tongues

Stealing honey & my shabby heartaches,
the old witch talks bitter

My eyes turned bloody red
you gonna kiss me or not?

the blue would back in its place
blooming forget-me-not

菜の花ゆれて 嗤うミツバチ 午後の夢
はるなわすれそ 古い栞が風に浮かんだ

白石さんちのヤギが 煙突のぼった
手紙もたべず 毎日じーっと遠く見た

はるはやてに 赤くそまる 
まぶた裏の わすれな草

春疾風に 身を揺らして
空に溶けた ひこうき雲


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい
  • 作者の氏名を表示して下さい


Music & Words : か研 (Kasei Lab / 火星实验室)

 か研(Kasei Lab): https://hml.ninja-web.net
 Youtube :  https://youtu.be/Y0CtP23Xs6c
 niconico :  https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm37204116
 bilibili :  https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Uf4y1R781


投稿日:2021/09/28 20:16:03



