推定年齢98歳。 作曲家debutを目指し、日本語と英語で小説を執筆する傍ら作曲も続けている。現時点では、「小説を書ける音楽家」と言うよりも「作曲も出来る小説家」に近いと考えられる。 The BBB (English) http://thebbb.net/ The BBB (日本語) http://thebbb.net/jp/ ハゲ猫屋敷 http://cat.ap.teacup.com/hageneko1304/
Bad Blood Ballad 2 the Invisible Enemies
Japanese Title: 俺は野放しノノガキだ
English Title: Bad Blood Ballad 2 the Invisible Enemies
In the center of wilderness I devour the carrion.
てめえら全...俺は野放しノノガキだ - Bad Blood Ballad 2 the Invisible Enemies
負けず嫌い Long Version (by まろん)
Lyrics written by: まろん (maron1103)
Song composed by:『ハゲ猫博士1304』(DoctorHageneko1304)
Partially translated by: 『ハゲ猫博士1304』(DoctorHageneko1304)
私が...負けず嫌い Long Version (by まろん)
I Refuse to Lose (by まろん)
Written by: まろん (maron1103)
Translated by: 『ハゲ猫博士1304』(DoctorHageneko1304)
Hey, you out there.
Can you feel it?
I refuse to lose.
I never say die.
Do ...I Refuse to Lose (by まろん)
Firmament Fountain 001
This is the battle that I have won
Victory is my crown
I am the one
You are going down
You get out of the town
I let out the loudest scream
You dance ...My Jester Knight
Stellar Stream 001
Phanta Izumo 003
Celestial Rivers 003
Phanta Izumo 002
Phanta Izumo 001
Celestial Rivers 002
Plateau Protector 001