「glow (ずっとずっと ver.) (ENG cover lyrics 英語のカバー歌詞)」の創作に利用した作品
Today, I feel the rain fall on my face again Dyeing the skies before us blue and gray The time we have together grow shorter and so on But tomorrow, I...
glow (ずっとずっと ver.) (ENG cover lyrics 英語のカバー歌詞)
Scarlett_Candela 紅_明り
ENG: Hey, it's been a month or so since I last posted, but it's been with good reason. Been job hunting, got a job & I'm planning to move out of my current place in favor of a new one close (or at least sort of) to my work. Things haven't been too good with me in the past month, but somethings are looking up, while other things. . . not so much. I've been listening to this song again & I thought that the original cover I posted was really lame, but I don't have the heart to delete it, so I just uploaded a new cover. Yay for better lyrics! Why did I add the 「ずっとずっと」(zutto zutto)? No major reason, I just thought that the full title "glow「Forever and ever」" sounded really nice. You can really feel the hurtful one-sided love on this one. And I was seriously getting misty eyed on that last stanza. (TT ATT) I really poured a lot of myself into this rewrite. Still hurts though. - 紅_明り (Kurenai_Akari)