My book world

Once I was absorbed in reading the books and I forgot the time was passing so rapidly.  
In stories of whodunit and mystery novels, all was suspicious to me.  Is criminal this person of here,I suppose?  
Those people are doubtful, too in addition.
The mystery that the trick of the secret room crime was so completely unexpected.
Mysterious codes and a mystery passage of the garret of secret,
the person who disappeared all without leaving even a fingerprint, a bomb with the timer.
They were full of mysteries in the head of me. I was drawn into the stories, and while reading ,it had been past the midnight gradually. I could not stop reading.

Once I forgot myself and read the story, and it was the book which I was so crazy about.
As for the imagination of SF novel, all was completely surprising to me.
Mysterious creature lies hidden in distance at that planet of the space very secretly .
At super velocity of light, it can be rapidly reached. Meteorite, alien.  
I stepped on the time machine and departed in the past and to the future.
It seemed as if I had really look at that historical person and that country clearly.  
In the head, I was occupied by fantasy.  
I was used to attracted by it, and while reading, the outside became bright gradually. I could not stop reading.


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My book world

Lyrics of "My book world"


投稿日:2011/03/01 18:25:28



