To day is it was also a very hot day to deathly as usual.
We broke out of school and went to buy some ice creames.
You tried to say something to us before you're going home.
But the death god took you away. I can't help it. I scream.

He brought the junk. It seems to be able to return to the past.
Let's go over what we couldn't do that day. I have to help her.
But things were more serious than I thought. I have to choose, our time or you die.
Everyone's gone crazy. That's why I have to do something.

Hey, brother please tell me.
Hey, sister what would you have done?
I can't even ask you anymore.

Good bey summer day.
Did you deceive me? That monster ate my friends.
Good bey summer day.
You were supposed to be saved. But you were there.
Good bey summer day.
How did this happen? I should have asked for help.
Good bey summer day.
I haven't changed anything since that day.

″ I′m sorry. ″ I can't forgive me.
″ l′m sorry.″ What think. I'm crazy.
So It's all my fault. by summer day.

But you're still alive in another world, aren't you?
Please be happy over there.



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Good-bye Summer days


自身の探索者のイメソンです( ˘ω˘ )。


投稿日:2021/09/01 07:51:37



