I wash clothes of a lot of baskets.
At first I check the contents of the pockets and
put laundry in a washing machine.
I sprinkle detergent and pour water to them.
Sweat stains, food dirt, oil dirt, and the unpleasant smell
become all sweet immediately, too. They disappear.
The dirty clothes change into clean and comfortable wears.
Once I turn on the switch of the washing machine,
the motor howls, and
water surrounds a whirlpool and rolls up clothing magnificently.
Big crowd of bubbles comes out steadily and removes dirts.
At time before being over, washing is
my fantastic relaxation time .

It is ideal day for perfect washing today.
The sun shines beautifully,the air dries, and wind blows softly.
These washed clothes seem to dry immediately. It's wonderful.
I wipe pole for hanging the washing at the porch; and,
I fix clothing and the socks to the clothespin
of the hanger steadily. So that the clothes are hanged in a row.
The various hangers become more full of various clothes
in a moment. They are now full of my favorite clothes.
How happy I am.
I see pole for hanging the washings all the things
which I washed and,I feel refreshing to see
its drying steadily and feel so great happiness .


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【Hatsune Miku V3 English】 Wash!!!! 【Original song】

【Hatsune Miku V3 English】 Wash!!!! 【Original song】の歌詞です。


投稿日:2013/10/16 16:52:24



