I need something
Something stronger than tea
Order up a special one for me
A double shot of you, my kagami

In the morning
When I wake up
Always dragging
Need a pick-me-up
Endlessly hoping each new day'll be somewhat different

But when I'm feeling low
I take one look at you
And that's the spark I need to get me through the day

I'll just say no
No pop, no coffee
Order up a special one for me
A double shot of you, my kagami

In the morning
Mind's all hazy
Stiff and aching
Getting up can wait
Endlessly hoping to break out of this dreary cycle

I'm looking a certain citrus zest
Looking for a jolt of sunshine
Maybe you can help me find it
You're the one who gives me strength

I need something
Something stronger than tea
Order up a special one for me
A double shot of you, my kagami
Always loving, understanding

And when I'm feeling low
I take one look at you
And that's the spark I need to get me through this rotten year


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【鏡音リン・レン英語】Cuppa'mine / カップみね【歌詞】


投稿日:2020/12/27 17:50:40


