空見上げると 降ってた雨がやんできたわね 
雲の隙間にはほら 太陽の光が差し込んでる
雨はまだね少しは降ってるわ それは冷たいんだけども
弾の雨がね降るよりましだから そんな事思う
良い子に私していれば 願いがね叶うと
父さんや母さんが言ってたわ 私達助けてよと 願うの

空見上げると 綺麗な虹が空にかかってる
七色で鮮やかに 大きなねカーブを描いている
虹はすぐに消えてねしまうけど またね現れてくれるわ
人も姿が消えても再びね 現れて欲しい
良い子に私していれば 願いがね叶うと
父さんや母さんが言ってたわ 消えた人現れてと 願うの 

I looked up to the sky It will stop raining
I look at the tear in the clouds Up there, the sun is shining
Down here, it's still raining Even though it's cold
Raindrops are better than bullets That's what I think
"If you stay the good kid, like this, Your wish will be granted"
This is what my parents have always told me
"Please rescue us" That's my wish

I looked up to the sky A beautiful rainbow appeared
Seven vivid colors Pierce Pierce the sky in a beautiful curve
After a minute, the rainbow disappears, Only to appear again
Even disappeared people appear again That's good thing
"If you stay the good kid, like this, Your wish will be granted"
This is what my parents have always told me
"Let disappeared people appear again" That's my wish


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Good Girl's Wish



投稿日:2019/01/01 06:10:51


