
The big data are amazing and astonishing for me.
The casual tweet of everybody in net are
realized so steadily in fact.
I've liked the non-regular menu of
that restaurant in a habit indeed.
When I twittered in this way,
it became the main menu. I eat it more.
I thought that the underwear of the bottom kind
of that brand was wonderful.
I went to the shop after a long absence and found that
the underwear are lined up and overflowed in the sales floors.
It was joy with wonder.
It becomes the truth sometime if we twitter
together about the goods.

The big data are amazing and astonishing for us.
In casual twitter of the visitors and customers,
we find business and risks.
The order and popularity to that customer
increases steadily.
As for this, a big boom may come to this product.
We'll invest in this.
For this old-timer company, there exists the business,
but that usual order and popularity only are decreasing.
As for this risk, let's reduce the account receivable to this.
The company has been bankrupted.
It is good for us to suspect this beforehand.

For me, the big data are really amazing and astonishing.


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【Hatsune Miku V3 English】Big data are amazing

【Hatsune Miku V3 English】Big data are amazing【Original song】


投稿日:2013/12/01 20:06:23



