Staple eyelids to my head
tell me that i feel decayed
all i just wanted is
to be that girl
beauty blonde soul dyed to black
being melted behind my back
my stomach hurts so bad
i feel like im stuck the same

Rip the skin off my face
and lie to me that i'm beautiful.
My reputation is rotten
so i can no longer ignore.


black tears runs down my face
push your fingers in my brain
i feel like i'm all useless
i want to be reborn
beauty blonde soul dyed to black
being melted behind my back
my stomach hurts so bad
i feel like im stuck the same

Rip the skin off my face
and lie to me that i'm beautiful.
My reputation is rotten
so i can no longer ignore.

the days go so fast
cry in my wakening bed
the days go so low
i might hide, going soon.



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i have no idea


投稿日:2024/12/13 11:05:57


