No matter what, I only want you.
No matter what, I only love you.
I would give up absolutely anything,
In order to continue seeing your flowing blood...

From the bottom of my heart, I love you,
The string-like redness is mixing our fates.
More, more-- I wish for more and more moments like these.
Your singing really is beautiful, you know?
Love me, love me-- I want nothing else.
Even if I have to break you, you'll love me.
With your hair the colour of fire and your skin like porcelain,
I want to destroy every inch of you and make you mine...

I've picked so many flowers, haven't I?
There's just too many to count...
Kneeling at my feet,
A trembling doll.

I collect beautiful dolls,
Making them sing beautiful songs.
Biting into their sweet fruits,
That woman turns a deep crimson...

In the middle of ecstasy, I forgot morality,
Having already given up self restraint.
Even if you struggle pathetically like that,
And you're still mine, and you still can't run away.

I want to hear your continued singing,
And I'll keep hurting you until I do.
As you cry out, I become God,
And I keep toying with your fate...

One day, a particular woman
Attracted me with her singing-- nothing unusual.
But this woman; she had hair the colour of fire,
And skin like soft porcelain...

I had never wanted anything so much in my life,
This feeling becomes completely overwhelming.
Embracing that beautiful body,
Your flower also turns a deep crimson...

Meine suß Rose
Meine rotter Mohn
I will rip off
All your petals

Meine schöne Nelke
Meine Koriander
I will never
Let you run away

Do you understand?
You'll always be mine.
You can never, ahaha,
Run away from me!

From the bottom of my heart, I love you,
The string-like redness is mixing our fates.
More, more-- I wish for more and more moments like these.
Your singing really is beautiful, you know?
Love me, love me-- I want nothing else.
Even if I have to break you, you'll love me.
With your hair the colour of fire and your skin like porcelain,
I want to destroy every inch of you and make you mine;

And yet, you don't seem to understand,
Just how much I love you.
You keep staring off into the distance with those blank eyes.
What are you thinking about? Is it me?
Look at me right now, look at me right now,
I want to see those eyes, I want to see those eyes,
Why do you look away from me? I love you.
Hey, if you keep looking away from me like that, I'll have to--

No matter what, I only want you.
No matter what, I only love you.
I would give up absolutely anything,
In order to continue seeing your flowing blood...

The you that I had broken no longer exists,
Burned up and destroyed in that flame.
Now that the one I held so dearly has fled from me,
My thoughts keep swirling...

But surely you are still alive,
I become crazed with that idea.
Just to feel you one more time,
I would eradicate everything on this planet...

Now my old feelings are bubbling up,
I could never have forgotten you.
Even with your petals turned so violently black,
You were still so, so beautiful...

The whole world thought I had ruined myself,
But still, I only wanted to kiss you...
Even now, with your blade ripping into my neck,
"You'll always be mine..."


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