How am I supposed to live like this?
How can I begin to talk to you?
This thing called “love” wears me down
Will today be the day we will say goodbye. . .?

Who was it that you truly loved?
Why did I bother? I already knew
Transparent, the truth is fading
I'll walk on this street and I hope
that someone kills me

I'll forget you six years from today,
but for now I'll sing out loud

*Chorus part 1
Is this the truth or just
another lie of yours?
I'm too scared to ask, so I'll just hold back again
False pretenses and secrets
and my stupid self
Feigns ignorance all in the name of love

How am I supposed to live like this?
How can I begin to talk to you?
This thing called “love” wears me down
Will today be the day we will say goodbye. . .?

Who was it that you truly loved?
Why did I bother? I already knew
Transparent, the truth is fading
I'll walk on this street and I hope
that someone kills me

I'll kick, scream, cry, drown in my regrets
Then ask myself, “What have I done?!”

*Chorus part 2
Reality is setting in
and all that time is gone
Your voice, your touch simply draws me closer
The Mont blanc is sickly sweet
The nausea is sinking in
It's about time that I put all of this to rest

And yet, you still exist
With eyes giving me pity
God, please give me the strength
to try and make things right

“I can't keep living a lie. . .
Please stop liking me. . .”

*Chorus part 3
Reality is setting in
and it's true, you know?
I am really nothing but a coward
False pretenses and secrets have been revealed
In the end, I only wanted to be loved by you

*Chorus part 4
Reality is setting in
and like all the rest,
I must force myself to act like you're dead to me
I'll run away from you one more time
And in the end, I was just another slice
of cowardly Mont blanc

But I'm grateful towards you
You showed me who I truly was
Today is the day when we'll depart
Walk away. . . never to speak again

ENG cover lyrics 「英語のカバー歌詞」 - Kurenai_Akari「紅_明り」
Original lyrics & music 「オリジナルは歌詞と音楽」- DECO*27


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弱虫モンブラン (ENG cover lyrics 英語のカバー歌詞)

ENG: I've been putting off writing this cover for a long time now, but I shouldn't really hold back on this anymore. Yesterday was the first time that I actually written the lyrics down, hahaha. They've been in my head for six years or so, but not as fleshed out as it is now.

Is what I have written in the song relative to my personal experiences? Yes.

Was the writing process for this song difficult? A little.

Did I cry while I was writing the lyrics or thinking of the lyrics? Yes. At least once while writing & many times prior to it's completion.

- Kurenai_Akari


投稿日:2016/04/25 06:07:25



