
1. All over Japan, all over the country,
there appeared the loose characters
in full costume that are humorous, interesting figure
on roundness, and since that are in feeling of zero strain
and very relaxed, the whole heart of whom see that will be cured.
It eases the people. The person who grew excited is relaxed.
The existence are named as the loose character.
Oh, wonderfully, it transforms the existences
that are stuck to formalities, such as
a local great man, remains, the noted product,
into friendly character.
It is the loose character that introduce the existence of
beloved municipalities to the world, and
let person to get close, and to keep attachment.
It's so fascinating.

2. There are outcome appearance of dishes in the
all over Japan and all over the country.
They are the taste of the casual native district
such as oden, fried food, udon, gyoza.
By these simple materials, recipe, feeling and
stomachs of persons will be relaxed.
The taste that is simple without putting on airs
is the relaxed dished called the Class B gourmet.
They transform local farm output, marine products
into local cooking of the familiar fragrance and taste
without giving glory.
They are so friendly and precious.
They are the relaxed dishes called Class B gourmet
that inform the delicious dish of beloved municipalities
to the world, and is easy to get close, and good.

They are relaxed. They are round and cute.
They are simple as it is. They are familiar and nice.
They are full of fun. They are comfortable.
They are tasty. Then, please do come again here.


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【Hatsune Miku V3 English】Loose character in costumes and dishes

【Hatsune Miku V3 English】Loose character in costumes and dishes【Original song】


投稿日:2014/01/08 14:15:49



