At the seashore in summer

I have came over in the sea of the summer.  The sandy beach is dazzling and shines,
and the crest of the waves shine in pure white, and the water is deepest blue without end.  
It is the sea after a long absence for me. I am longing to swim so eagerly.
"Before swimming , gymnastic exercise is needed for preparation". I can't endure that.  
I jump into the sea and, with fish and seaweed ,sea gulls and shellfish, let's play together.
Wow. My pleasure splatters and splashes itself. And I lose sence of time since I'm so excited.  
Big ships come and go to each other coolly far in the offing. So I think "If I swim, and can I catch up with them ? "
while following them by my eyes while my relaxed swimming .

I rise from the sea and do airing by sunshine.
The trace of the string of the swimsuit is clearly appears on the back which tanned and it is slightly shameful for me to be seen .  
After I take a rest,as if I return to a child ,I make a sand castle, castle wall.
I display shells on the castle, to make sand castle be much more dignified.
And I have the feeling that as if I became a princess.
Sidling crabs salutes to me with big scissors. They are my true retainer with strong faithfulness from their heart.
Oh , it is truth.Dreamlike time passes away and when I come to my mind ,
the big setting sun sets slowly with coloring the sea red-hot, and tells me kindly the fantastic day comes to an end.
Yea, the sea, sandy beach, and the sun, I will meet again tomorrow. Good bye now.
After I come back to the inn, fireworks will be displayed tonight at there. It's so fun.


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At the seashore in summer



投稿日:2011/01/27 21:29:12



