I woke up alone in the darkness, so cold
Everything around me was painted in black
Nothing I could see, nothing I could hear
All I could do was shivering in the coldness of the dark

The ceiling had a hole, the hole was large and dark
Looking up, I found huge clockwork in it
Out of the black I heard a scaring voice
From the clockwork on the ceiling it talked to me "Boy,

You have been leading such a godless life
Now it is your turn to get paid back for your guilt
You will be locked up in this room alone forever"

At that moment all my memories were recalled just like flickers
How many times I hurt people who had nothing wrong, just innocent
Had the reason to be here, knew my destiny to end up
I will never ever be with you again, I can't reverse time

I realized both my wrists were held in red handcuffs
that color reminded me the blood of people I have harmed
Both my ankles were pegged down in the chains of watery blue
I knew these were made of tears I led them in the depth of sorrow

"Lu-li-la, lu-li-la" (a) melody is coming from nowhere
The tune sounds like a lullaby Who's singing? I have no idea

How long have I been here? How many days have passed?
Keep asking the clockwork but it's not in motion
From time to time I hear the singing voice
Only the tone of lovely voice relieves and ease(s) my mind

Countless times I hear the angelic voice singing
At last I discover the truth in the song
Then I begin to sing a new song of mine
by adding some words to the lullaby high above

A glimmer of light is coming toward me
through a gap of the clockwork in the dark
I know it, I have known it
This is the message you've kept sending me!

The clockwork now in motion is telling me in a gentle voice
"The sins of your life will never be wiped from your slate, don't forget"
"But the story of waters and the story of evil
We will turn them into songs and you have (a) voice to sing for us"

The red handcuffs are fallen off and talking to me like Mother
"You are given a chance of rebirth
Live your true life in daylight"
The blue shackles are broken and talking to me like Father
"Sing a song of joy 'cause it's your new birthday, your re_birthday"

Everything around me begins to revolve then flash(es) in white
I'll be seeing you soon again to sing (a) new song for you

※( )は歌いにくいので省略する部分です。


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい

【英訳詞】 Re_birthday (原曲『Re_birthday~ぜんまい仕掛けの子守唄3~』 by mothy_悪ノP 様)

※mothy_悪ノP様 英訳掲載許可ありがとうございました。
素敵な原曲 http://piapro.jp/content/71zpn9mfol6edi6z



※ライセンス条件を間違えました! 歌いやすいように改変して構いません。


2010.2.5追記 いきなり2行目で間違い発見! were→was(訂正済)
よい子の受験生の皆さんは真似しないでください orz

2010.2.6追記 2番のサビ2行前 have know→have known(訂正済)

2010.2.6追記 手錠の台詞 a chance to rebirth→a chance of rebirth(訂正済)




投稿日:2010/02/06 18:29:22


