The sound of your vibrations beats like a heart.
In my mind.
Your bright screen temporarily blinds my sight of perception.
This small plastic board before me holds the key dark recesses of my heart.
With a click, i enter your unhinged domain.

Then the rush of your illusory life flowed through me.
Like a bolt of electricity.
The imaginary cascade of those mountains overwhelmed me.
The eradicate looks of the ones who called me their master, excited me.
This is the life of me.
My unrepentant imaginary world.

Morning, Noon, Night, Morning, Noon, Night.
The repetition of these didn't stir my being.
All I needed were those mountains and the subtle smooth landscapes.
Surely, if I showed them how wonderful you make me feel,
They won't leave into the depths of the deathly realm of reality.
So still the rush of your illusory life give me hope.
The colors of those pleasure send me into a thrilling seizure.
This is my life.
My irresponsible imaginary world.

Why won't everyone be like you?
Why do I have to keep you to myself?
Why can't I show the world?

My heart stopped and my mind retracted.
You stared at me.
Your bright screen captivating.
You stretched out your frame.
And took me in.
My desperate imaginary world.

Will I ever be able to go back?
Will I ever be able to breath?
Will you ever go away?
Will you ever let up?

In here with these mountains and cerebral maidens,
I realize that without you,
I'm nothing.
So I accept your welcoming into this life.
My new life.
My new psychotic, maddening imaginary world.


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい

Side Effect [ENGLISH]

This song is about a boy who gets addicted to the internet. The "mountains" and "smooth rivers" describe girls' bodies. They're not actually real. They are just fake women in a computer game. However, he still believes that they, and also his own computer, truly love him and he leaves his family and friends just to be with the computer. He tries to break away but in the end he ultimately ends up not going back to reality.


投稿日:2015/05/27 00:04:05


