I can't shout with all my force
Am I talking in my sleep
I can't run as fast as I want
Am I struggling on my bed

Bugs, laughing, my parents
I know this place
I breathe underwater

My old childhood friends
The ones I used to like
Where and what are they doing
Faces fading out
I can't help falling down
Finding out I'm on the bed
I don't remember what I saw before
In my dreams

My partner, my child
My future and past
セックス with a stranger

I can't fly in the sky freely
Never been a super hero
Why is it so hard to type text
In my dreams I'm a dumb idiot

My precious memories
All my feelings mixed up
Where and what am I doing
On the stage without audience
I can't help falling down
Finding out I'm on the bed
I don't remember what I saw before
In my dreams


  • 非営利目的に限ります



投稿日:2024/05/02 06:57:23



