Today is Dicember 24th PM11:55.
Thanks for your lot of requests.
Now, here comes the last number for today.
Wake up MIKU!


 彼方から 歌よ届け

 今日は 鐘の音響く聖夜
 心躍る声で 歌えればいいな

 Like a falling star.
 Tonight I'm chasin' date line of this planet.
 Can you hear my voice?
 This is the "Radio from Satellite".

Today is Dicember 24th.
This program is brought to you from satellite.
Now, A new singer comes today.
"SF-A2" Ready go miki!


 真夜中の Broadcast
 皆が歌う今日はHoly night!
 夜が更けたら Silent night

 Good night 明かり消してもまだ
 ツマミ回し Volume up
 踊り続けよう Dance night

 Like a movie star.
 Let's dancin' on the world's christmas song with me.
 Can you take my hands?
 And turn with me. Please never end tonight.

Today is Dicember 24th.
Thank you for listen.
The date will change soon.

 [■MiKi & Miku]

 今日が 終わってしまわぬように(少しだけそう)
 ただ 歌い続けるのよ(踊り続けて)
 Date line 追いつかれないように(星を周って)
 Moon light 見守っていて

 Like a shooting star.
 Tonight We're chasin' date line of this planet.
 Can you hear my voice?
 This is the "Radio from Satellite".

 Like a shooting star.
 We deliver tonight our precious song to you.
 You can hear my voice.
 wherever you are, cause it reach your heart.

 La la la....

Today is Dicember 25th.
Merry Christmas...


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい
  • 作者の氏名を表示して下さい

Radio from Satellite☆ feat.miki and Miku


投稿日:2009/12/13 00:15:39



