The preface
of my memoir
will describe
my miserable

Because I wanna be independent
I'll learn to walk all by myself
Although I lived in loneliness
I'll carry the memories of you

“Heeey, Mama! I think I just fell in love with someone!”
“Is that so? Congrats my dear”

*Chorus pt.1
It don't take much to impress someone like me
Who's sweet and stupid
If I'm on the path to heartbreak,
then let me have a little fun

Papa, Mama, my dear friends,
Why do you tell me that I'm weird?
If that's how you see me, then I don't need you
Wait. Something's not right

I tried putting my best foot forward,
but in the end, I just tripped
I wanna cry so badly right now,
but I don't want your pity

Fake tears, shallow words, fear conceived from our lies
Will I have the courage to move on from the past?
“If you leave, just know that I'll always love you“,
said a voice and a face
that was holding back tears of relief and pain

*Chorus pt.2
With another kiss we'll fall in love again
and we'll go off the rails
Can an unchanging love exist between a
jaded boy and a girl's broken heart?

*Chorus pt.3
“This is the last time”
I mumble with uncertainty
“But I love you”
you said with a smile
So what the hell what am I supposed say to that?
Well, if that's the truth, then let's make a pact right here, right now
to honor and listen to each other's words
For someday, both of us will die

ENG cover lyrics 「英語のカバー歌詞」 - Kurenai_Akari「紅_明り」
Original lyrics & music - DECO*27


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二息歩行 (ENG cover lyrics 英語のカバー歌詞)

 ENG: When I first played "Two Breaths Walking" on the game Project Diva F2nd, I thought it was a cool, rock song that DECO*27 had made and nothing more. But the more I played the song, the more I grew attached to it & the more I began to perceive the song's lyrics as Miku singing about relationship gone awry or finding the strength to move on from a bad relationship. The lyrics I've wrote reflect the best & worst of both worlds from the point of view of someone who has experienced both sides of that love. This song represents my past as an insecure, yet love-struck girl hanging on to the one person supporting her, while at the same time pushing that person away in fear of getting hurt.

As such, I'm happy to present my first English cover of "Two Breaths Walking" here on Piapro. I hope to upload more of my covers here in the upcoming weeks, so please look forward to it.


投稿日:2016/04/14 06:04:15



