Fell in tear drop was spatter our shoes I say farewell
Put up an umbrella before it's too late but the last
"What should I do from here" "You have to decide it by yourself"
"You get wet with rain for living just like silly"

Pale light lit up flower grieve over misfortune
Swallows spit out sorrow flyby in this town

Crowded intersection a malicious past each other
I feel pity saw the parson who fell down
Black sheep not gonna bleats don't know why I'm sorry
Black sheep not gonna be understood I'm sorry
I don't wanna think about you

I don't wanna think about you, otherwise I'm going crazy
The rainy day I think

I want to kill you
I want you kill me
I don't be.


Complication 歌詞


投稿日:2015/11/21 00:50:12



