I’m kno-wing of all, about everything of.
that you all so very busy truly.
and causing not having much time.
never to thinking me of, al-though just one time, tru-ly.
and just lone-liness of this, accompa-nied me, every-time.

and I'm kno-wing all of that, for sake goodness of me it's.
I'm knowing tru-ly, all of that, for sake to pro-tecting of me it's.

but to at very least, giving me, though a li-ttle .
a ca-ring with fu-llest, although just a little bit, tru-ly.
and which of I'm wanting, one de-mand which very simple.
toge-ther with you all, at this place
in of this home memories.

but to at very least, giving me, though a li-ttle .
a ca-ring with fu-llest, although just a little bit, tru-ly.
and which of I'm wanting, one de-mand which very simple.
toge-ther with you all, at this place
in of this home.

but to at very least, giving me, though a li-ttle .
a ca-ring with fu-llest, although just a little bit, tru-ly.
and which of I'm wanting, one de-mand which very simple.
toge-ther with you all, at this place
in of this home memories.


Home Memories

WN (Part 02)


投稿日:2017/11/30 03:48:47


