Persona's human know love

That person said.

「Pleasure ..bird.. stays in pleasure as the bird and the person conceive person and sadness ..".. stays in sadness.

It is a very natural thing. 」

Then, was not present (I) hoped for in the past (you)?

Is not the future (this child) hoped for now (I)?

There seem to be a lot of things that do not understand yet, and disappear everything.
Kept walking to an understanding only thing without understanding the word only from the thing that the past had thrown away present single-mindedly.

Have I gone mad by seeming become amusing the looping reality?
I run away single-mindedly without knowing the art that tells it.

From what?

After all, I will be running away from what.
The answer is not understood, and the mind sinks without knowing in the dark.

「It comes round again without fail and it is possible to meet if alive ..and us... Therefore, it believes. 」

The word said to you disappears silly at that time.
After all, was the word that had been said at and that time hardened by the lie?

I feel time pass without understanding the translation.

「The person easily throws it away. You and I are the same. Then, there might rather not be from the origin drink by you. 」

Why do?

Will we then be ..evading.. that doesn't know the thing loved all our life?
The given thing cannot be done if it doesn't learn.

No, the person is learnt what.
Thing to think person to be important and defended thing

What were we born if it was useless?
However, it alive because it dies?
No, we were born to give it in this conduct oneself, and grew up.

I will name this feelings "Family".


  • 非営利目的に限ります

Persona's human know love









投稿日:2009/08/30 01:51:34



