If you were to remain on this same path,
I'd support you
But since you're leaving and may never return,
that's alright
If you were to regain the strength to keep going
and not stagnate,
would you be happy where you are or turn away again?

Sorrowful times and joyous memories
won't always be remembered
That's just how life goes, I understand
I get it, say no more!
And because time continues to move forward,
one has to accept that sacrifices have to be made
for one's own sake

Reaching adulthood does mean sometimes throwing away your dreams
Couldn't I pick up the pieces again someday?
What more can be gained from sifting through the ashes you left behind?
There's so much that you missed and can't be returned
Now leave no regrets

Whatever feelings you have left with the thing you had loved
Your dream has reached it's natural conclusion, I suppose
I can only imagine the frustration you must have felt then
Was the limelight no longer worth the trouble inside your heart?

Surrendering to the truth or
accepting defeat
No one can say which is right or wrong
that answer is yours alone
And now as your days continue to move forward,
decisions like these will come and go like the revolving seasons

“Are you OK with leaving things as they are right now?”
I want to ask you, but you won't respond
Regard isn't indebtedness
But know, I shared your dream once, long ago
I wanted to share the stage with you too!
But now. . . that dream is no longer in my heart
Reality is here

Becoming an adult does sometimes means throwing away your dreams
Couldn't we pick up the pieces again someday?
What more can be gained from sifting through the ashes you left behind?
A precious treasure still remains somewhere
and it still inspires us all today


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僕が夢を捨てて大人になるまで (ENG cover)

ENG: Finished a cover song that I was sitting on for a year. I initially wrote it when my favorite esports player decided to retire last year (I wanted to send this to him, but that's pretty cringe tbh) , but I ended up rewriting the lyrics several times recently since I decided to give up my own dream of going pro in Overwatch League.

Some things simply aren't meant to be.


投稿日:2021/04/16 15:17:47



